Sunday, 30 November 2008
Tidak sedar diri...
Bersyukurlah wahai bangsa-bangsa yang diberi kedudukan dan keselesaan oleh bangsa-bangsa yang berhati mulia.
( Kalau setakat belajar Sejarah sebab nak lulus PMR,SPM...baik tak payah. Nak jadi ahli politik sebab nak jatuhkan bangsa lain - baik letak jawatan. Memang dah letak jawatan pun,hikhik :p )
Friday, 28 November 2008
when i have nothing to do, besides BELAJAR...
i feel like going somewhere..
but as always,
i don't know where to go...
Jatinangor oh jatinangor...
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Ok,i give an analogy:
We are good in this part (say ilmu A), but in our daily life as a student (ilmu B), we come late to class, never do learning issue properly,main game dikala bosan, tidur lepas subuh, tidur lewat pagi. (sedangkan, bosan itu sepatutnya tidak ada dlm istilah hidup org islam.Allah beri kita masa hidup, yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk berzikir mensyukuri nikmat hidup yang Allah berikan) (Dan, tidur jam 2-3pagi, yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk bangun awal pagi untuk qiamullail)
On the other side,
The ones who are not so good in this ilmu A, become really good in ilmu B.
I'm not intended to compare, but since some of us become so proud of themselvess, it attracts me to write.
And it is Allah Who rewards good actions and Who is the source of infinite justice.
"Those who produce a good action will receive ten like it. But those who produce a bad action will only be repaid with its equivalent and they will not be wronged" (Surat al-An'am: 160)
"Kenapa kita,especially student, kalau dah dekat nak exam, bukan main lagi bertungkus lumus untuk study, kita beli buku past year, bertukar2 pendapat tentang soalan dan jawapan, tidur lewat malam & bangun awal pagi untuk study, berusaha dapatkan pointer setinggi mungkin"
"Kenapa kita,especially muslim,sepanjang masa exam (refers to hari kematian/akhirat yang bila2 masa boleh dtg),bukan main lagi relax, tak beli buku agama untuk mendalami ilmu menjelang exam itu, takde nak bangun awal pagi utk qiam (kdg2 exam MDE lagi ramai org buat qiam), tidur lepas subuh, and kurang berusaha untuk dapatkan pointer (pahala) sebanyak mungkin"
i don't know the answer, it happens to me also. And even if i have the answer, it only works for a short period of time.Astaghfirullah.
Allah will judge with truth;and those you call upon apart from Him will not judge with anything at all.It is Allah who is the All-Hearing,
the All-Seeing.
(Surat al- Ghafir: 20)
On the Day Allah raises up all of them together, He will inform them of what they did. Allah has recorded it while they have forgotten it. Allah is a Witness of all things.
(Surat al-Mujadala: 6)
p/s : i hope by writing this, it won't cause anyone (who are obviously not good enough) to feel safe. As i said,we are the "para pencari tuhan" is our responsibility to improve ourselves. Of course we have to continue searching to find the truth.
Friday, 7 November 2008
exam dah habes..yeaa yeaa..
Hari ni nak tulis ape2 saje yg terlintas dlm fkiran boleh tak. i want to reduce, to eradicate, to eliminate (sume la yg ade dlm PHOP tu) those stressful agents yg telah masuk dlm my body system 2,3 hari ni.huhu.sori la kalau terpanjang skit post kali ni..compared ngan my previous posts yg smemgnya slalu pnjg..kalo mls nk bace, dialu2kan utk close window or tab ini skrg.hehe.nanti bosan menyesal. jgn ckp xde org ingtkn ok? :p
1st thing in my mind now is : dah lame x jumpe kakak n amer. huhuhu... i miss them. i miss my family. sume org pun rindu their family i know. tp xpelah bg chance sy ckp psl kerinduan sy jap eh.huuuu..rindu jalan2 ngan my family. perasaan ni actually tak slalu dtg, i don't know why.sbb dah biasa? mgkn jgk. since i was in primary 6, k.whdh dah start masuk asrama. so tym kecik2 dah kurg spend mase with her. tapi, bcoz she's only 1 year older than me, n kt KK tu cume ade 1 SBP je, which is Sekolah Menengah Sains Sabah,sy pn masuk sekolah yg same.hehehe. so kami jd dekat semule. (eleh,pdhl rumah dekat je xsmpai 2minit pn naik kete dr asrama tu :P).. tp, sy jd jauh dgn family pulak. hmmmm. pastu every 2years adik2 pun masuk asrama. All of them. makin jauh la kami skeluarga.
Best ke tgl asrama? everyone has his/her own opinion bout dis. Since i was in KTT n until now in UNPAD,ramai gak la org bg pendapat psl duduk asrama n sekolah harian. I think, both have their own advantages n disadvantages. terpulangla situation mane org tu duduk, if kte berjaye skrg dgn ape yg kte lalui dulu, then x payah la nk buruk2 kn ape yg kte x lalui dulu. Org duduk asrama, if dah bjaye hasil dr duduk asrama, jgnla buruk2kn org x duduk asrama. same goes to org yg x duduk asrama. OK?
X sume org duduk asrama baik. begitu juge org x duduk asrama. Pape pn, sume brgntung pd diri sendiri ok?
Ok berbalik kpade tajuk asal. Rindu family.Dah 1thun 2buln x jumpe kakak n amer. Plg last raya last year ( ry last year ok,bukn last raya ). tp, tym raya last yr tu pn, raya ke4 amer dah blk KL, n raya ke6, i hv to go back to bandung, n kakak kne blk kuantan xlame pastu. huhu. n b4 jumpe raya thun lepas tu, ktorg dah 2thun jgk xjumpe. Jmpe pn 1,2kali je tu pn kt LCCT sbb before blk bandung, sy kne naik flite KK-KL. itupun nsib baik smpat jmpa skjp. Skrg? Skrg air asia dah ade flite direct Jakarta-KK. So probability utk jumpe kakak n amer sgtlah kecik. Mgkn 0 drpd 1.uhuhhu.
Mgkn ni problm me n my family utk berkumpul. Org lain ade problm lain x dpt kmpul. Tp rasenye basically sume org same.SUme kne pegi belajar jauh2, n keje peluang utk jumpe tu xde. My family live in Sabah. (waaa..rindu Sabah), tp my siblings, habes je SPM, smbung study kt semenanjung. N tiket balik bukn mcm beli tiket bas. Kalo skrg kwn2 slalu mengadu tiket blk mahal. Sy dah rase sume tu since i was in KTT. Waktu tu umur sy bru 17 nk masuk 18. Tp sy dah duduk jauh sgt dr family.n nk balik kne ade duit rm500 utk beli tiket je. Btambah sedih bile housemates kt KTT always balik weekend, sometimes kne duduk sorg2 kt rumah time weekend. I still remember ade bbrape kali jgk duduk sorg2 kt umah tym cuti hari raya haji.sgt sedih perasaan tu, tp kne lalui jugak. Sy try fikir about my sis, die pun sorg2 jugak. Kalau die boleh, knape sy x boleh (tp time tu sy slalu ckp, ala akak ade boyfren, xpela.haha)..
N pernah sekali waktu 1st time puasa kt KTT, sy sgt ingt hari itu,sume org balik rumah, tinggl lah sy sorg2 dlm rumah. Sape yg tau KTT,tau la kn, kalo weekend sunyi semacam ( i miss that feeling actually)..jauh dari tmpt lain. Waktu tu sy sedih sgt coz bukak puasa sorg2.huhuhu. sume org amek peluang balik rumah sbb itu 1st week puase kalo x silap. Waktu makan tu sy nangis sorg2..waaa.. x boleh bygkn perasaan tym tu. Sy kecik lg tym tu,bru 18thn.hehehe.(kecik la tu)
N skrg, problem: jrg dpt cuti. Ktorg xde cuti mcm U kt mesia. cuti berbulan2. Kalo cuti seminggu, xtau nape, sy rase mcm membazir je blk. Sbb skjp sgt. Org lain mgkn x fikir mcm tu. Tp inilah saya. Sy dibesarkn dgn pemikiran mcm ni. Sy rase berat hati nk balik kalau cuti sminggu je. menyusahkn my parents. Ayah n mak bg je balik kalau mmg anak2 nk balik. Tp x rase membazir ke? Kalau balik, rm1000 msti hbis utk beli tiket je, tu belum masuk kalo kne tukar tiket sbb FK asyik tuka jadual. Pastu nak balik, kne la beli brg2 pape utk family kt msia kn. Walaupn mak n ayah slalu pesan jgn beli pape, sbb kt sane pun rase x best if balik tgn kosong. bukn slalu balik. Tp sedihnye, if sy balik cuti sebulan pn, sy xdpt jumpe sume adik beradik pn. Kalo nk jumpe akak, sy kne beli tiket pg Kuantan. Nk jumpe adik,kne beli tiket pegi KL. huhuhu.
(Ape la yah ni,cite bnde2 ni,bosan la) ---> kalo bosan, sy dah pesan utk close saje window ni ok?hehe.ingt kn?
Sbnrnye sy pun xtau ape yg sy nk ckp skrg. Tp sbb sy rindu family, sume ni sy ckp.I hope, Suatu masa nanti, ade la 1 hari yg we all can spend our time together.pegi picnic ke mcm mase tym kecik2 dulu,bole dikatekn stiap minggu ayah n mak bwk mandi n mkn2 kt pantai. Tuka2 pantai, kdg2 pantai Tg.Aru, kdg2 pntai Karambunai, pntai Dalit, tp mostly Tg.Aru la,sbb situ dkt dgn rumah.Tp since kakak masuk asrama, rutin tu dah start ditinggalkn. I still remember, waktu drjh6 jgk,ajak ayah pegi pantai sbb rase mcm dah lame x pegi pntai, tp ayah jwb, nanti la tgu k.wahidah balik sbb tkot k.wdh rase xbest kte pegi w/out her.So sy pun ok je. Tp since hari tu, ktorg dah xpernah pegi picnic mcm dulu. Sbb tahun brganti tahun, sume dah duduk asrama.Huhu.(utk yg tak duduk asrama, u see, in slh satu disadvantage tinggal asrama)
Im worried about my brother now.His exam results.I know it's quite hard for him to be where he is now.I hope he can think n do the best for his future.I hope he won't feel bad about himself. I hope there's always someone who can be his best friend, and his teacher.
Im worried about my sister too. My sis wahidah. I know she can handle herself very well,but since “sesuatu telah trjadi” to her recently, and i've never been there for her to be a good listener ( but i know she has bestfriends to handle dat), n she lose weight too fast i think. Stress or diet xtau la. Tp if i ask her, of course la d answer is “DIET”. Tp dari dulu pn diet gak, xkan skrg tym ade problem baru kurus mcm ni.huhu.To all my sis' close frens, do take care of her k :)
And,most of all, I'm worried about myself too. Cmane nk tmbh berat bdn ni?haha. Problem yg xpernah hbes2 dr dulu. Ok2, xpyhla ckp psl ni kt sni, sy tau ape yg korg nk suruh sy buat. Mkn byk skit, exercise, mkn appeton weight gain, mkn kerap, mkn appeton lysiene,etc. Sy rase sy dah pernah buat sume ( tp kbykn sekerat jalan )..nanti2 la sy buat lagi ok? Skrg ni sy nk mkn puas2, tp xbole mkn puas2 jgk,sbb kt sini mknn limited.N duit kne control jugak ok? Xkan Mara masuk rm800 sebuln sume nk hbeskn?rakyat2 malaysia, jgn risau kerane wang yg anda bg utk sy blajar ni, sy dah try simpan baik2 utk mase dpn. Jgn risau sy x beli handphone baru gune duit mara. Sy x beli camera gune duit mara. Sy gune beli mknn je.hehe :p Sy dah 1tahun lebih x shopping tau.
Ok la, walaupn byk lagi yg sy nak merapu, tp sy stop sni dulu la. Tgahari ni sy nak belajar main dota:P believe me?ok bye2.
Saturday, 1 November 2008
pagi ahad yg hening - in my room
hmm..i just read this n feel lyk sharing it here.. tetibe terfikir psl org yg meninggal 4hr lpas bcoz kne electrik shock kt jln sukawening xkenal dgn org tu,tp rase 'sumthing' tu tetap ade..apelagi bila bnde tu jadi dpn ramai org yg tgh lalu lalang..huhu..~
Dialah Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir Yang Zhahir dan Yang Bathin; dan Dia Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu. Dialah yang menciptakan langit dan bumi dalam enam masa: Kemudian Dia bersemayam di atas ´arsy Dia mengetahui apa yang masuk ke dalam bumi dan apa yang keluar daripadanya dan apa yang turun dari langit dan apa yang naik kepada-Nya. Dan Dia bersama kamu di mama saja kamu berada. Dan Allah Maha Melihat apa yang kamu kerjakan.
(QS. Al Hadiid, 57 : 3-4)
هَبْ لِي حُكْمًا وَأَلْحِقْنِي بِالصَّالِحِينَ
"Ya Tuhanku, berikanlah kepadaku hikmah dan masukkanlah aku ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang saleh” (Q.S. Asy-Sy’araa: 83)
اللهم اجعل خير عمري أخره و خير عملي خواتيمه و خير أيامي يوم لقائك
“Ya Allah jadikanlah sebaik-baik umurku pada ujungnya dan sebaik-baik amalku pada akhir hayatku, dan (jadikanlah) sebaik-baik hariku yaitu hari ketika aku bertemu dengan-Mu (di hari kiamat)” (H.R. Ibnus Sunny)
اللهم اختم لنا بحسـن الخاتمة ولا تختم علينا بسـوء الخاتمة
“Ya Allah, akhirilah hidup kami dengan husnul-khatimah (akhir yang baik), dan jangan Kau akhiri hidup kami dengan suu-ul-khatimah (akhir yang buruwa’alaikk)”
Amin...amin..amin ya rabbal 'alamin..
~~ hmmm..luse exam tp CRP xhbes study lg.huhu..pagi td mimpi rabbit, pastu sbb risau rabbit tu mati,cpt2 bgn pagi2 buta kul 3pagi pegi check condition dorg..lega bila tgk dorg still bernyawa.. xsmpai hati tgk sape2 mati lg,even rabbit yg x tau pape tu.huhu.. teringt tym raye hari tu tym hamster naqi mati..xleh imagine how i feel..xnak ingt balik, bertmbh xleh thn if kte yg jd org yg sbbkn sesuatu/seseorg tu mati..kan?
ok la,xmau la nmpk mcm asyik pk psl rabbit je kn, skrg kne membanyakkn study ok? xleh post byk2 lg arini sbb kne spend the rest if d day to read crp n memorize every single rumus yg dah lame dtingglkn tym spm / alevel dlu.. btw, kenapekah ingin mjadi doctor juge perlu belajar statistics?? research design boleh trime lg,statistics itu knape? nsb baik la i love statistics, tp i tetap don't love things dat i don't know the purpose why i'm doing it..hmmmm..