Saya & suami & kawan-kawan sedang *study hard* for our final examination. Ini betul-betul final sebab lepas ni InsyaAllah kalau lulus, tak ada exam dah sebelum dapat title "doctor". Cuma kami akan dihantar ke klinik-klinik daerah/pedalaman selama 6 bulan untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak cases, lebih banyak patients, dan pengalaman.
Paper terdekat adalah lusa, 17 March (Sabtu) ni iaitu exam multiple choice questions. There are 200 questions and we have to answer all of them within 200 minutes. Maksudnya 1 minute for each question. Sebelum jadi doktor muda dulu, kami memang selalu ada exam macam ni, 200 questions in 200 minutes. Paper macam ni ada kat setiap system waktu tu. So 200 Q's for Reproductive System, 200 Q's for Endocrine & Metabolic System, n so on for all of the systems (Neurobehavior & Special senses, Dermatomusculoskeletal, HematoImmunology, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Gastrointestinal. Genitourinary and Tropical Medicine).
Kat bawah ni contoh-contoh soalan yang saya cuma type beberapa saja. I just want you to imagine how we're going to answer each question in one minute. But we all did it for four consecutive years. Sometimes we passed, sometimes we failed to get good marks. Afterall, this is how medical field works. This is how they train someone to be a good doctor (insyaAllah) for the public.
Berbeza dengan exam dulu-dulu, sekarang we have to study ALL systems from ALL departments. Cuba tengok kat sebelah kanan blog ni, yang banyak-banyak departments saya tulis tu, itu semua lah yang kami kena belajar for this coming Saturday. Let's see some of the past questions (yang ni kami salin or ingat waktu exam dulu-dulu, one student have to remember/if possible write down one question --> and then we compile it for future revision).
1. Which of the following statements regarding ECG features is FALSE?
A. A Q wave in lead V1 and V2 usually occurs in myocardial infarction
B. An R wave is a result of the depolarization of the ventricular septum
C. An S wave is a result of leftward directed QRS wector
D. A prominent R with a persistent S wave in V6 signifies a right shift of the QRS vector
E. An inverted T wave signifies myocardial ischemia
2. Initially at 3rd week of development, the position of cardiogenic field is anterior to buccopharyngeal membrane and neural fold. Then, the position of this field changes in the presomite stage of development. Which of the following events is most likely to cause this change?
A. Migration of the cardiac progenitor cells
B. Rapid growth of brain
C. Extension of cardiogenic area
D. Extension of cardiogenic area
E. Closure of neural fold
3. A 55-year-old man began having increase in difficulty with voluntary movement. The characteristic of this symptom in the brain is the loss of pigmented neurons in substantia niagra of the midbrain. Which of the following clinical features is most closely associated with this lesion?
A. Pill-rolling tremor at rest
B. Symmetric weakness in the extremities
C. Choreiform movement
D. Difficulty with short term memory
E. Paraplegia
4. A 45 y.o woman, a high school teacher came to your clinic with a headache as the chief complaint. She suffered from headache for years since her son became a heroin addict that made her very distress. According to the doctor, her headache is inappropriate because all medical examination results were in normal limits. Recently her headache diminished her capacity and she frequently absent from work. What is the diagnosis?
A. Migraine
B. Psychosomatic disorder
C. Pain disorder
D. Somatization disorder
E. Conversion disorder
5. What defense mechanisms are used by the woman?
A. Repression, subtitution, negativism
B. Displacement, substitution, negativism
C. Identification, substitution, negativism
D. Repression, displacement, substitution
E. Repression, identification, negativism
6. A 12 y.o boy came to the ENT department because the right ear could not hear since 2 weeks ago. The doctor performed a tuning fork test. He said he can hear the tuning fork when placed at mastoid process. Which of the following damage is closely related to this test?
A. Cochlear nerve
B. Organ of Corti
C. Cochlear nerve and organ of Corti
D. Tympanic memmbrane or ossicles
E. Mastoid process
7. A 17 y.o man with blurred vision, lethargy and severe headache is seen in ER. Tests of the ocular movement indicate possible early stage of right ophthalmoplegia. The physical findings are consistent with a diagnosis of cavernous sinus thrombosis. High intravenous antibiotic therapy is recommended. All of the following nerves pass through the cavernous sinuses EXCEPT :
A. N. abducens
B. N. mandibular
C. N. occulomotor
D. N. ophthalmic
E. N. trochlear
8. Which milestone is the expected motor development of a 15-18-month old boy?
A. Walk up and downstairs
B. Kick large balls
C. Turn doorknob
D. Overhand throw
E. Stoops and recover
9. A 63 y.o female with mitral valve disease, take warfarin because of stroke. Left ventricle is normal. Left atrium is enlarged. What is your advice for this patient?
A. Cardiac catheterization
B. Open commissurotomy and mitral repair
C. Balloon valvuloplasty
D. Mitral valve replacement
E. Medical treatment
10. Which of the following is the clinical feature typical of her problem?
A. Pansystolic murmur
B. A loud S1
C. The presence of S3
D. A hyperdynamic, enlarged left ventricle
E. An early diastolic murmur
Berbeza dengan exam dulu-dulu, sekarang we have to study ALL systems from ALL departments. Cuba tengok kat sebelah kanan blog ni, yang banyak-banyak departments saya tulis tu, itu semua lah yang kami kena belajar for this coming Saturday. Let's see some of the past questions (yang ni kami salin or ingat waktu exam dulu-dulu, one student have to remember/if possible write down one question --> and then we compile it for future revision).
1. Which of the following statements regarding ECG features is FALSE?
A. A Q wave in lead V1 and V2 usually occurs in myocardial infarction
B. An R wave is a result of the depolarization of the ventricular septum
C. An S wave is a result of leftward directed QRS wector
D. A prominent R with a persistent S wave in V6 signifies a right shift of the QRS vector
E. An inverted T wave signifies myocardial ischemia
2. Initially at 3rd week of development, the position of cardiogenic field is anterior to buccopharyngeal membrane and neural fold. Then, the position of this field changes in the presomite stage of development. Which of the following events is most likely to cause this change?
A. Migration of the cardiac progenitor cells
B. Rapid growth of brain
C. Extension of cardiogenic area
D. Extension of cardiogenic area
E. Closure of neural fold
3. A 55-year-old man began having increase in difficulty with voluntary movement. The characteristic of this symptom in the brain is the loss of pigmented neurons in substantia niagra of the midbrain. Which of the following clinical features is most closely associated with this lesion?
A. Pill-rolling tremor at rest
B. Symmetric weakness in the extremities
C. Choreiform movement
D. Difficulty with short term memory
E. Paraplegia
4. A 45 y.o woman, a high school teacher came to your clinic with a headache as the chief complaint. She suffered from headache for years since her son became a heroin addict that made her very distress. According to the doctor, her headache is inappropriate because all medical examination results were in normal limits. Recently her headache diminished her capacity and she frequently absent from work. What is the diagnosis?
A. Migraine
B. Psychosomatic disorder
C. Pain disorder
D. Somatization disorder
E. Conversion disorder
5. What defense mechanisms are used by the woman?
A. Repression, subtitution, negativism
B. Displacement, substitution, negativism
C. Identification, substitution, negativism
D. Repression, displacement, substitution
E. Repression, identification, negativism
6. A 12 y.o boy came to the ENT department because the right ear could not hear since 2 weeks ago. The doctor performed a tuning fork test. He said he can hear the tuning fork when placed at mastoid process. Which of the following damage is closely related to this test?
A. Cochlear nerve
B. Organ of Corti
C. Cochlear nerve and organ of Corti
D. Tympanic memmbrane or ossicles
E. Mastoid process
7. A 17 y.o man with blurred vision, lethargy and severe headache is seen in ER. Tests of the ocular movement indicate possible early stage of right ophthalmoplegia. The physical findings are consistent with a diagnosis of cavernous sinus thrombosis. High intravenous antibiotic therapy is recommended. All of the following nerves pass through the cavernous sinuses EXCEPT :
A. N. abducens
B. N. mandibular
C. N. occulomotor
D. N. ophthalmic
E. N. trochlear
8. Which milestone is the expected motor development of a 15-18-month old boy?
A. Walk up and downstairs
B. Kick large balls
C. Turn doorknob
D. Overhand throw
E. Stoops and recover
9. A 63 y.o female with mitral valve disease, take warfarin because of stroke. Left ventricle is normal. Left atrium is enlarged. What is your advice for this patient?
A. Cardiac catheterization
B. Open commissurotomy and mitral repair
C. Balloon valvuloplasty
D. Mitral valve replacement
E. Medical treatment
10. Which of the following is the clinical feature typical of her problem?
A. Pansystolic murmur
B. A loud S1
C. The presence of S3
D. A hyperdynamic, enlarged left ventricle
E. An early diastolic murmur
Saya cuma rajin type 10 soalan dari beberapa department seperti Internal Medicine, ENT, Psychiatric, and Neurology. Itu belum masuk Radiology Dept, Dermatovenereology Dept, O&G Dept, etc.
Untuk soalan mudah, maybe boleh jawab in less than one minute. Tapi untuk soalan yang kena berfikir lama, it takes more than one minute. So kena pandai-pandai bahagi masa. Kalau our faculty buat soalan ni open-book or open-internet pun, belum tentu boleh dapat jawapan dalam masa 1 minit.
Disebabkan itu, semua ilmu kena ada dalam kepala sebanyak-banyaknya supaya boleh fikir cepat dan tepat. Hehehe. How I wish I could have that extraordinary brain :D
Anyway, I hope some of you who read this will pray for us :)
Lepas exam MCQ ni ada OSCE pulak next week. I'll write about it if time permits. Hihi. Thank you for reading.
Untuk exam kali ni, saya dah bertukar kawan discussion. Kalau dulu discuss ramai-ramai dengan The Swimming Trunkers , now discuss dengan husband. Lagipun sekarang susah nak berkumpul ramai-ramai untuk discussion since everyone pun busy baru balik dari cuti. But it's okay, apa-apa pun harap kami semua akan lulus dengan cemerlang. Amin.
We tried to find the SHORTEST notes possible for each topic that we have to study. Hehe waktu-waktu genting macam ni susah lah kalau masih nak baca buku tebal-tebal tu lagi. Unless untuk cari information yang tak jumpa kat our SHORTEST notes. Hihi.
Ok2, i have to stop now coz there's much more to study (banyak lagi tak habis study niiiii). Doakan kami berjaya kay! :)
4 wonderful voice(s):
Semoga berjaya! :)
Susah la soalan. Hehe. Padahaal baca soalan pertama jak ;p
semoga berjaya kak yah..:)
good luck yah....:)
Thank you sis & cousins (^_^)
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